Monday, October 24, 2011

¡Mi primero poste! My first post!

Hola a todos.
Me llamo Breanna. Soy una "junior" en escuela secundaria. No tengo un trabajo asi tengo no dinero.

Mi mama siempre me dijo que no hay un almuerzo gratis. No creo que. Voy a demonstrar que hay un almuerzo gratis.

El propósito de este blog es traer a usted las mejoras muestras gratis. Tambien, voy a dar consejos para vivir barato. Voy a tratar hacerlo en Ingles y espanol.
Lo siento si mi gramática es malo.

Hello everyone!
My name is Breanna and I am a junior in high school. I dont have a job so i never have any money!
My mom always told me that there is no free lunch. I am going to prove her wrong.
The purpose of this blog is to bring to you the best free samples from around the web. Because getting free stuff is almost as good as money!

Also, as a way to further enrich my spanish knowledge, I will be posting in both Spanish and English. Feel free to correct me if I make any mistakes with the Spanish.
I will also be posting tips on how to live frugaly and get the most out of your money- from a teen's point of view.
Thank you!